Thursday, January 13, 2011

Carlos and I

This is Carlos, my Canon 1000D. This picture's taken using my cellphone camera.

I am using a DSLR, but I'm not a photographer. I don't have any photography portfolio like Wana Darma, nor equip my camera with cool and expensive accessories like Rusdy Razak. And I don't do the so-called "photo hunting"--the word frightens me, like I can't go home unless I got some good pictures.

It's usual for photographers to lend each other cameras and lenses, but--I'm gonna say this again--I'm not a photographer! Or not yet! So I'm begging not to treat me like one.

"Sa, aku mau pinjem kamera yah" is the most bothering request ever. Not that I don't trust my photographer friends who know a lot more about cameras, lenses, and photography, but what if something happens? Like if the autofocus's suddenly not working or the LCD cracked, or your friends brought some "compliments" like scratch or undesired smell when he/she returns the camera.

I don't like the idea of letting my camera out of my sight. It sucks not having control of your belongings' quality. Maybe some of you think "Ya elah 1000D aja cerewet banget. DSLR murmer sejuta umat. Kalo kameralo 50D tuh baru...", but for me, Carlos is precious and important. And I have a responsibility to take a good care of my belongings. So I am not lending my camera unless I'm coming along.

I'm being stingy? Well feel free to call me anything. In my point of view, I'm just being responsible to my parents who bought me Carlos, and I believe everyone has the right to lend their cameras or not, and we should respect that.

"My camera is like my toothbrush and underwear. I don't lend it to anybody." - @annisa89


  1. gpp sa, setiap orang punya prinsip masing - masing atas barang yang mereka miliki...

  2. good, one person one camera, tapi tetep bljr ya :D

  3. @clara: iya clara. prinsiplo gimana?

    @gaga: iya gaga. sekarang gw udah ga auto auto lagi kok haha

  4. Sa, buat jago foto sebenernya ga harus memfoto dengan modus 'M' sih sebenernya, cuma harus tau kapan harus menggunakan si A dan si S dalam waktu tertentu :D
    Makin jago nih ye :p

  5. apa pula A dan S itu inyo? *.*
    gw bukannya mau jago foto, tapi biar bisa menggunakan aset secara optimal :D

  6. wajar kok sa,, lo kan sayang banget ma kamera lo, tentunya gk mau sampe si carlos kenapa2 kan ;)
    apalagi sasa seorang yg sangat menjaga barang2nya :D
    kangen difotoin rame2 ma carlos deh, xixixi.....

  7. makanya cepat kau pulang ke jogja vania :P main ke kosan gw biar gw beresin kamar. kata aci dan intan kamar gw berantakan banget kayak orang lagi patah hati o.o

  8. Ih, Sa. Sama banget. Abis dipinjem adek, auto focus mati :( Bisa diperbaiki ga sih?

  9. Sabar ya cha, untung sama adek sendiri :) bisa dibenerin cha, dulu lensaku jg pernah motornya rusak trus af nya mati, tapi agak lama benerinnya, 3-4 minggu gitu =.=

  10. yap, tiap orang punya prinsip masing2 mba dalam memperlakukan barang kesayangannya :)

    btw aku sama temen2 aku malah pinjem2an kamera dan lensa kayak pinjem2an buku. karena kita tau kalo saling membutuhkan dan ga mampu beli semuanya sekaligus.. hehehehe *fotografer ga modal nih aku ceritanya*

  11. kalo aku ga berani pinjem barang temen yang mahal2 kayak lensa dan kamera gitu kin =.= jadi aku ga pinjem hehe... lebih suka puasa2 buat nabung beli sendiri :D

  12. lensa saia dipinjam sama kepanitiaan sim*foni dulu, kameranya sering dipinjem, lensa 18-55 dipinjem ampe karetnya ilang n bentuknya jadi kayak pengganjel pintu.. tapi ga masalah..

    soalnya skarang bisa ngembat kamera fakultas :p n saia juga make poket to jadi ga bakal dipinjem...hahaha

  13. yep!!
    aku setuju banget sama kamu.selain emg ngga biasa minjemin brg2 yg personal kyk gini,juga rasanya jadi waswas sendiri.apalagi kalo dapetnya pake keringet sendiri.. :D

    kecuali sama tmn yg dueket bgt,baru aku bisa agak lumer minjemin kamera..

  14. yep!!
    aku setuju banget sama kamu.selain emg ngga biasa minjemin brg2 yg personal kyk gini,juga rasanya jadi waswas sendiri.apalagi kalo dapetnya pake keringet sendiri.. :D

    kecuali sama tmn yg dueket bgt,baru aku bisa agak lumer minjemin kamera..
