Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Guru Bimbel

I always wanted to be a teacher since elementary school. An English teacher, to be precise. There were always two kinds of English teacher: the good one, and the poor one. Both of them were very inspiring. The good one made me want to be like her, or better. The poor one made me pity her and the English education in Indonesia: how could Indonesians ever learn English well if the quality of the teacher was poor like that? So I decided that someday, I will become a good English teacher and contribute for better English education.

Now, at the age 20 (gosh i'm 20 already :| ), I begin to look for a side job as an English teacher, start with bimbel-bimbel in Jogja. And here's the anomaly begins. I reckoned that those bimbels require a bachelor for a teacher, and a full-timer. Undergraduates who want a part-time job like us are not qualified.

I told my friends about this and they were a bit shocked. Is there any bachelor ever wanted to be a bimbel teacher? People don't study at and graduate from a university to become ones, do they? Take you, for instance. Do you study at UGM to become a bimbel teacher? By the assumption that a bachelor does not want to be a bimbel teacher, my friends and I implicated that being a bimbel teacher nowadays is one of the last resorts.

Nah. Since being bimbel teacher is the last resort, people who applied as ones were actually the ones who didn't get the job they always wanted. And they didn't get they job they wanted perhaps because they're lack of communication skill, or not cooperative. Sad, isn't it? The fact that that those who are teaching our little brothers and sisters at bimbel are not the ones who really are smart nor even wanted to teach.

My friends and I thought, wouldn't it be better if those bimbel recruited undergraduates like us? We, students, still have fresh mind and brain, we're still learning, and we always need extra fund as anak kos. (It's not that our parents didn't give enough money, but if we can get an extra, why not?) The bimbel's personnel dept. can also have our CV, transcript, an interview, teaching test, maybe, as consideration, same as those who already graduated. They can even hire undergraduates like us with lower-but-still-reasonable wages because of our education level.

Well that's an extreme thought. I believe that there are still bimbel teachers who truly are dedicated, the ones who become bimbel teachers intentionally, purposefully, because they love it, not because they can't find another job :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. temenku ada kok ka yang ngajar di bimbel gitu, anak akun 08

  3. o ya? siapa? mau tau doong caranya gimana mel?

  4. haha si ery tauu. dia kan sekarang sibuk ngajar gitu, masalahnya aku ga ngerti gimana dan dimana

  5. ooh si eryandi utama? ntar kalo ketemu aku tanyain deh hahaa tangkyu amel :-*

  6. Anak 2007 akun yang pernah jadi guru bimbel itu si D.A sama si Iqbal.

    wah, blognya naik 1 level, nih! pake bahasa inggris :D

  7. @navan: o gituu hahaa asiik ntar aku tanyain deh :D waduh ga naik level juga, ini sekali2 doang. ntar kalo pake bahasa inggris semua ga ada yang mau baca hahaha

  8. waktu semester lima (atau tiga yaa?lupa)
    aku pernah part time di bimbel, tutor bahasa inggris dan ips.
    seneng tapi capek pooll. kerjaan balapan sama tugas2 kuliah
    semangat sa
    kalau kamu jadi guru, pasti jadi guru yang lovable deh, hehe =)

  9. semangat sa ayo segera jadi guru bimbel jangan jadi "bu guru" aja hehe

  10. @mba dini: aaaaa koyone asik banget :( aku jadi tambah pengeeennn. hahahaa guru yang lovable ya :D amiin deh mba hihi

    @clara: iya clar masa jadi "bu guru" terus ihik

  11. kenapa bimbel itu maunya yang udah lulus, karena mereka mau mencari guru yang profesional. Dan pastinya mereka akan mencari yang bagus cara mengajarnya. So kalau dibilang guru bimbel itu adalah orang yang tidak pintar, tidak diterima di pekerjaan yang dia mau, SALAH BESAR. Walaupun ada yang memang alasannya seperti itu, tetapi itu hanya sebagian kecil. Selain itu, mereka yang memang tidak capable mengajar pasti tidak akan disukai siswanya, dan pasti bimbel tersebut tidak akan mempekerjakannya sebagai guru coz akan merusak citra bimbel tersebut.
